Monday, January 31, 2011

When a slave screws up

Mistress Christine's i humbly apologize for not completing my blog for the past couple of days.  i thought that this blog that i started of my own accord was to be used solely to document the progress of the use and impact of being held captive in the Iron Maiden's cunt.  Once You, Mistress Christine, decided that it was time to change the role of the Iron Maiden to a short term device that will be used for Your pleasure in torturing me, and with me not being currently locked into any chastity device, i did not feel that i had anything of significance to report in a blog on a daily basis.  Clearly that understanding on my part was wrong and for that and the fact that i have greatly disappointed You Mistress Christine i once again apologize from the bottom of my heart!

Having said all of that, it is my desire to share with all my readers, the actions that i have taken to once again get back into chastity for Mistress Christine's pleasure, and to give Her the pleasure of know that i am suffering for Her and because of my desire to submit to Her.  Over the past few days, Mistress and i have selected a new type of chastity device for me to wear. 

The device is coming from China and will take between 7 and 10 days to get to me.  So in the mean time i will be blogging about my thoughts about being locked into this device on a much more permanent basis than was achievable with the Iron Maiden. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The past 24 hours

Well blog followers, the past 24 hours has been interesting.  Sleeping last night was really hell locked inside the Iron Maiden's cunt.  i was barely in bed when i started thinking about being required to serve Mistress Christine orally for a prolonged period of time while locked tightly inside the Iron Maiden's spiked cunt.  just thinking about serving Mistress Christine orally like that gets me rock hard and once that happen's it can take me 30 to 45 minutes to be able to relax enough to allow Mistress Christine's cock to lose it's erection!  Last night was no exception so the steel spikes of the Iron Maiden's cunt dug visciously into that errection very painfully!

The good news is that is seems that the one spike that was modified per Mistress Christine's instructions, seems to have worked pretty well.  Tonight there is no agrivated abrasion to Mistress Christine's cock as there has been in the past.  While this has been encouraging for me relative to several of the previous posts.

There is also some serious questions that remain concerning the suitability of using the Iron Maiden for long term wear!  Right now Mistress Christine and i are trying to figure out how we can best use this device as well as any other chastity device.  i will publish more on that effort in the future!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back under lock and key

So after checking this evening it appears as though Mistress Christine's cock and balls have healed to about 95% and the irritation seems to be gone.  This means that as of this evening Mistress Christine's cock and balls are once again locked within the confines of the Iron Maiden's cunt.  The goal right now will be to see if this can be continued for at least two days without causing any type of damage to Mistress Christine's cock and balls.  If this can be accomplished then it may mean that this device is now suitable for longer term use.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bring You all up to date

i apologize for not having made any entries in this blog for a few days now.  My work schedule has been really crazy the last few days coupled with a lot of bad weather here in the greater Boston area, i have had some really long days and found that getting home from days that started between 5:30 AM and getting home from work between 10:30 and 11:00 PM i was just simply too tired to make any entries.  In addition to the weird hours of the past week, there simply has not been anything to report relative to be locked inside the cunt of the Iron Maiden for the reason that i have not been locked up in over a week due to healing that is still taking place. 

So i continue to wait until the underside of Mistress Christine's is fully healed before attempting to be locked back inside the Iron Maiden's cunt.  This is the only way that i can be sure that i am causing any permanent damage to Mistress Christine's cock and balls which is of paramount importance to Her.

On one other front, due to the extremely busy week last week i was not able to finish up the design of the Bondage Post system that i am designing for Mistress Christine.  We currently have yet another winter snow storm approaching and is expect to hit our area starting on Wednesday and ending on Thursday of this week but hopefully it will not have the impact of last week's weather and i may actually be able to finish the Bondage Post design!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Still not quite healed

Well i am still awaiting the last stage of healing to the underside of Mistress Christine's cock so that i can once again attempt to determing the possibility of being locked inside the cunt of the Iron Maiden  So other than that there is not much new to report.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Awaiting the final healing

Well as of now i am awaiting the final last day of healing to complete so that i will be able to once again be locked up inside the Iron Maiden's spiked cunt!  i truly am looking forward to taking the next step forward to see of these latest modifications are all that has been needed to all me to be locked inside the Iron Maiden's spiked cunt for a prolonged period of time.  i know that both i and Mistress Christine will be happy when that goal is finally achieved.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final Modifications?

Well as of tonight i have further reduced the one spike of the Iron Maiden's cunt to see if that finally helps eliminate the chaiffing on the bottom of Mistress Christine's cock.  One more day of  healing and all should be ready to once again check to see if the Iron Maiden is finally ready for long term wear.

Friday, January 14, 2011

More Modifications needed

Well it looks like i will need some other minor modifications to the current state of the Iron Maiden.  After a couple of days, i have found some issues with the plastic tubing that now covers the locking ring that goes behind Mistress Christine's balls.  The edges of the vinyl tubing gets to be very irritating after a couple of days. One of  the things that helps is applying baby oil, but after a while the ball sack still gets pinched and the edge starts to cause a lot of irritation to the ball sack.  This evening i tried putting a tappered edge on the vinyl tubing and tried to sand it smooth but it still needs more work.  i also believe that the new vinyl tubing that i have ordered to replace the current tubing will help a lot becuase it is only have as think and that should reduce a lot of the pressure, and some of the pinching.  The really good news is that it looks like the work i did to reshape the one spike just inside the Iron Maiden's cunt has done its job.  The effect of changing just that one single spike has made all the difference in the world.  So while i am greatly disappointed that i needed to unlock the device for the evening until i can finish the modification to the tubing progress is truly happening and it will not be long before Mistress Christine's cock and balls are once again under lock and key with the ability to stay that way for a prolonged period of time!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fits like a glove...

Well i was surprised by a restfull sleep last night.  Perhaps that was because of all the snow that was shoveled and how totally tired i was when i went to bed last night.  But what ever the case , i was not awakened by what had been excruicating pain from getting an erection durning the night while locked inside the Iron Maiden's cunt.

Even right now as i sit here writing this blog, i am hopeful that the i have finally resolved the issues of the past by the modification tha has been made.  The title of today's blog gives a hint of how the Iron Maiden is from a comfort point of view.  i said that it fits like a glove... but i am constantly reminded that the style of that glove is a "Vampire Glove" which in case you are not familiar with, you can see one here.  But other than an occassional spike getting my attention, it seems as though the Iron Maiden is finally in a state where i may be able to wear it for a prolonged time.  The next few days will be a good test, but as of now things are loking hopeful!  i am sure this will be music to Mistress Christine's ears and will just warm Her heart.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back under Lock and Key

Well today was the day that i was once again locked back into the cunt of the Iron Maiden much to Mistress Christine's joy i am sure!  So other than shoveling out from under some 20 inches of snow today, and being once again locked up tight.  So as i write this i am about to head off to bed, knowing that once again i am about to experience a night of intense pain as i thing about my enslavement to my wonderful Mistress Christine

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just one more day...

Looks like Mistress Christine's cock and balls will be all healed by tomorrow evening!  This means that by tomorrow night i should once again be under lock and key with Mistress Christine's cock and balls securely trapped inside the cunt of the Iron Maiden!  It looks like the way it is now, the Iron Maiden is ready to be placed back into service, where it will teach me what it will be like to be totally in Mistress Christine's control and to no longer have the right to orgasm.  The only right that i will have will be to experience pain whenever i contemplate Mistress Christine's total power and control over me.  If i should fantasize about being Mistress Christine's slave and i should get an erection, then i will know intimately the pain of the Iron Maiden's cunt.  So tonight is the last day of my freedom.  i know this day will pass by very quickly!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Progress on the Iron Maiden

The work day was a busy one but after dinner it was time to head down to the basement for some more time in the workshop.  Tonight however was not going to be continued work on the Bondage Post System, but rather tonight's focus was on the Iron Maiden.  After checking out the healing status of Mistress Christine's cock it was apparent that Her cock should be back to a healthy state in just one or two more days.  That meant that it was time to re-focus on fixing the root of all of the abrasion issues with the Iron Maiden.  In case You have not been following along, It became clear that there was a serious flaw with the Iron Maiden.  This flaw was causing serious abrasions to the underside of Mistress Christine's cock.  Originally it was thought that the problem was caused by sharp edges of the first ring of the Iron Maiden's spiked prision or as i like to call it, her cunt.  At that time i thought it was actually doing long term damage to Mistress Christine's ball sack, but that turned out not to be the case.  In actuallity, the damage was being done to Mistress Christine's cock about 5/8's of an inch from the root which put it right at the first stainless steel spike on the very lowest part of the Spiked Cage.  Mistress Christine's and i discussed what would be an acceptable modification to the Iron Maiden's design.  i suggested to Mistress Christine that the one steel spike that was causing this long term abrasion be filed and sanded down to a slight nub which would still make it's prescence felt, but not cause any permanent damage.  So this evening was all about converting the steel spike into a steel nub.  This turned out to be a fairly tedious task, because Mistress Christine's instructed me not to affect any other aspect of the Iron Maiden's cunt that will all to soon imprison Mistress Christine's cock and balls.  Part of what made this a tedious task was the fact that all the other 39 steel spikes were located very close to steel spike to be modified so there was not a lot of space to file the problem spike down without touching a single other point.  Eventually i found a rythm and stroke length that seemed to be pretty effective and within 30 to 45 minutes the former stainless steel spike was seriously taking the shape of a nub.  Finally it was time to start sanding all of the surfaces smooth so that there should be no sharp edges on the nub.  This has now been completed and i have attached several photos below.  The first picture shows one of the steel spikes at close range so that you can see what was cutting into and abraiding the underside of Mistress Christine's cock.  The other pictures show, from a couple of different angles, the resulting nub that now remains.

Hopefully all of the healing of Mistress Christine's cock and balls will have completed by Wednesday and it will once again be safe to lock Mistress Christine's cock and balls into the Iron Maiden's cunt for further long term testing and analysis.  Once Mistress Christine's cock and balls are locked up it will be interesting to learn if this final modification has accomplished it's goal such that Mistress Christine's cock and balls can be locked up indefinitely as i serve Mistress Christine.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another day in the workshop

Well today was another day that i spent going to the hardware store, and working on the Bondage Post designs, implementation.  Today i completed the mechanism for adjusting the back support pad.  i completed tests of its workings and it worked perfectly and i am confident that it will last basically for ever if given just a little bit of silicone lub everyonce and a while to keep any parts from rusting!

i can almost see the smile on Mistress Christine's face the first time She has a slave secured to the bondage post and She begins to turn the hand crank on the back side of the Post and She starts to force the slave's body forward from the hips forcing their legs to be pulled wider and tighter with each turn of the crank, knowing full well that the slave's genitals are also being forced forward into a most vulnerable position, almost as they are craving to be tortured or whipped.  i can also hear with my mind's ear, the sighs and moans as they realize what is happening to them and just how totally vulnerable he or she is becoming, knowinf full well that there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop a single thing from happening!

We also got hit with three inches of snow last night so part of my day was shoveling out so that the next storm that is due Tuedsay night through Wednesday, and expected to dump another 14 inches on us, won't make shoveling impossible, and to avoid any slipping and falling issues.  The shoveling however, did have one negative effect in that i was not able to work more on modifying the first stainless steel point to only be a dull nub.  Perhaps tomorrow evening i will get a chance once again to work on the Iron Maiden and get it ready to be locked back inside her cunt.  As it stands right now Mistress Christine's cock has not finished healing although it is getting better day by day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy but quiet day

Today was focused on two tasks.  First i started to make the modification to one of the points located in the Iron Maiden's cunt that Mistress Christine has authorized.  i started to file down the one point that is causing serious damage to Mistress Christine's cock.

The other main task that i focused on today was the working on the design for the Bondage Post that i am designing for Mistress Christine.  Today i spent a lot of time at the hardware store finding all of the correct items that are needed for the support pad that will be part of the Bondage Post.  This evening i was able to share with Mistress Christine all of the features that i am designing into this system.  Mistress Christine's favorite question seemed to be, "How do you come up with all of this?"  i told Mistress Christine that it is because i am an engineeer and that this is actually rather natural for me!  So in addition to shopping for items, i also started to actually build one of the more complex pieces of the Bondage Post system.  So not much excitement here, but some real progress towards having an actual Bondage Post in Mistress Christine's bedroom in the not to distant future!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bad News - Good News!

Hello all you kinksters that are out there reading my blog.  Today was yet another disappointing day when it came to being locked inside the Iron Maiden's cunt.  i did make it all throught the night and this morning when i woke up it was looking up for wearing the Iron Maiden for the whole day! After dressing this morning, i decided to stay locked up and headed off to work.  i knew if i could get through the entire day that Mistress Christine would be very pleased.  Even in Mistress Christine's comment on my blog entry from last night that She maded earlier today, stated that She was "looking forward to a full report ASAP!"

So after getting off to a great start this morning and being hopefull that i may be close to having a solution to allow for the long term wear of the Iron Maiden. But by about 11:30 AM i could tell that there was still a problem.  So i headed off to the men's room to remove the device and would have to check for abrasions when i got home this evening.  Like i said, it was a very disappointing morning for me.  i was beginning to think that the Iron Maiden would only be good as a punishment device!

So this evening after diner i headed upstairs to try and see if that same type of damage had occurred or not.  Sure enough!  Looking at the underside of Mistress Christine's cock and balls there was that very same abrasion that i have found after each time i have locked myself into the Iron Maiden's spiked cunt!  But one thing was different this time when i was examining the sore.  What i found was that all this time i thought that this issues was at the top of Mistress Christine's ball sack.  But what i found was that it was actually about 1/2 of an inch down along the underside of Mistress Christine's cock.  It was not the balls that were being abraided!  Then i took a look at the Iron Maiden's construction and what i found surprised me!  There just 5/8's of an inch from the edge of the first ring of the cunt prison, was the first spike that lies directly below the very center of the underside of Mistress Christine's cock!  So all this time which i thought it was the first ring of the Iron Maiden's cunt that was causing he "Abrasion" was complete wrong!  Now i can see clearly that the damage that has been occurring was actually being caused by Iron Maiden's first of 40 spikes!  i have taken some additional pictures as You can see below which shows the problem:

Mistress Christine and i discussed this problem this evening and She has given me permission to modify that one and only that one spike so that it does not do permanent damage to Mistress Christine's cock!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moving forward towards chastity.

Well i checked just a few minutes ago and the abrasion on the skin of Mistress Christine's ball sack is amlost completed healed!  That means that within one more day it will be time to once again lock Mistress Christine's cock and balls back inside the Iron Maiden's cunt!  i have also taken one other step that may vastly improve the safety of the Iron Maiden.  i have order some new clear, thin wall, PCV tubing to replace the tubing on the locking ring of the chastity device.  This new tubing is 1 half of the thickness of the current tubing, which means that there will be more space between the locking ring and the first ring of the Iron Maiden's cage.  This should mean that there will be less pressure on Mistress Christine's balls which should result in less chance for abrasion to the skin.  This may also mean that to ensure that the balls cannot pull back through the locking ring it may be necessary to tighten the locking ring back into the third or fourth locking position for a solid security.  This may take a little bit of variation.

i know that all of this adjusting, tweeking etc. is very frustrating to both Mistress Christine and myself, but we both have to keep in mind that if this is all successful, then it will be totally worth it beause in the end, Mistress Christine's will be able to keep me under lock and key for as long as she pleases and derives pleasure from know that i am totally controlled by Her!

So as i close out today's blog, i have just locked myself into the Iron Maiden as a test for the overnight and to see how the overall comfort regarding Mistress Christine's balls is in the morning.  If there are any signs of chaffing or abrasion then the device will be removed before heading off to work for the day.  If all seems well i will once again head in to with Mistress Christine's cock and balls trapped within the Iron Maiden's spiked cunt.

Late Posting for Last Night's Entry

Well blog readers, i apologize for not getting this posted last night but the website was not allowing the editor to actually create or edit blog entries, but i must say the little spinning waiting symbol looked really nice :- ( . 
Any way i did discuss all of this with Mistress Christine so she was totally aware of why i had no blog entry and just commanded me to make sure that I made this late entry today for Yesterday. 

i guess the most important thing is that there really was not much to report since i am not currently locked inside the cunt of the Iron Maiden.  i am still waiting for healing of the abrasions to happen to Mistress Christine's ball sack.  The one thing that i did think about subsequent to my getting out of the Iron Maiden the day before was that part of the abrasion issue may have been caused by the locking ring having been locked in the third locking position, which is the second tightest position in which the ring can be locked.  The abrasion may have been caused but Mistress Christine's ball sack being squeezed to tightly and thus pressed against the first ring of the Iron Maiden's cage which resulted in additional abrasion of the skin.

i also want my readers to know that just because i am not currently locked inside the Iron Maiden's cunt, does not mean that i am not focusing on Mistress Christine because nothing could be further from the truth.  i actually spent almost all of my evening working on a detailed design for a bondage whipping post that will be custom made for Mistress Christine.  i am quite sure that Mistress Christine's will be very happy to take a nice series of photos of me securely bound to it so that all can see just how well it works!  One of the features of this post will be the padded surface that will be located at the slave's small of the back.  This padded surface will be able to be moved forward using a hand crank on the back of the bondage post that when turned, it will force the slave's hips and genitals to the thrust forward further stretching the slave and making the slave's genitals, or as in my case Mistress Christine's cock and balls to be displayed in a much more vulnerable position, that emphasises that they are waiting Mistress Christine's full attention and almost "Begging" for punishment!  i find that i am now down to some final details on the mechanical design of the threaded cranking mechanism and how it connects to the padded surface and it is just a matter of finding the correct set of parts from which to fabricate this mechanism in a manner that is easily accomplished.  Suffice it to say, that when this design is completed and finally implemented in the physical world, Mistress Christine is going to be very proud of this gift that i have designed specifically for Mistress Christine.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

i am not currently locked inside the Iron Maiden.  When i first locked myself into her cunt, all felt fine.  Last night was filled with the pain that is supposed to be there because Mistress Christine's cock was fully erect for just about an hour from 2 AM to almost 3 AM.  i was awaken again at about 4:45 when Mistress Christine's cock once again grew fully erect.  This morning when the alarm when off at 6:10 AM my balls hurt from being pinched or constricted (and not from a lack of cumming).  i had hoped that as i got going this morning that all would settle down, but that was not the case.  i worn the device to work but by the time i walked to the office i could tell that all was not right.  Upon entering our building, i went to the men's room and removed the device.  i will check to see if there are any cuts or abrasions when i get home.  Depending on what i find, i may have to use the Plasti-Dip on the first ring. and possibly the locking ring as well.  Mistress Christine i want You to know that i did not take the removal of the Iron maiden lightly this morning, because i know how much You want me to be locked inside of it, as do i want to be locked in it for You as well. But i also know that above all i am not to do anything that could permanently damage Mistress Christine's cock and balls.  It was for that reason that i needed to remove the Iron Maiden.

Tonight Mistress Christine i checked out Your cock and balls and found that there was some new abrasion at the top of the ball sack.  So that will have to re-heal once again and then i will address the current problem and see what can be done to the Iron Maiden to finally resolve this issue.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Locked again in the Iron Maiden

Well based upon yesterday's comment from Mistress Christine i know that She will be really please to know that Her slave is once again locked tightly inside the cunt of the Iron Maiden!.  She will also be happy to know that it was well worth the wait, because it from all of the first appearances, it seems to be greatly improved!  Sitting no longer seems to be a problem and there does not seem to be any pinching of the skin around the ball sack.  i might add that this was achieved without resorting to having to use any Plasti-Dip on the first ring of the Iron Maiden's cage portion of the chastity device.

As Mistress Christine's slave i must say that i feel great knowing that i am once agail locked inside the Iron Maiden's cunt where i will be very quickly, and painfully, reminded that any erection that i might have is NOT to result in pleasure, just as it would be denied if i were in Mistress Christine's presence.  Even as i write this i am already aware that the steel points of the Iron Maiden's cunt are ready and waiting to punish Mistress Christine's cock and balls for any failure on my part to maintain total control over Her property.  Once again i feel like i have given myself back over to my wonderfully sadistic Mistress Christine.  i also know that it is only a matter of time before my brain tries to once again assert its control over Mistress Christine's cock and i will once again be engulfed in the pain that will over take me and fully remind me of who owns the cock that is connected to my nerves and body.  At this point all that i can do is await the pain that is inevitable to come and take me!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The blur of the New Year holiday

The past two days have been a blur due to family comittments and it is nearly impossible to believe that i, who makes my living on computers day in and day out, has only had about 10 minutes of keyboard time in the last 48 hours!

That said i know that i have not had a chance to update my blog here and that makes me VERY sorry, because i know that Mistress Christine looks forward to reading all that i have written and that i am expected to complete my blog faithfully each day.

So what has happend since i made my last blog entry?  Well for starters i picked up a couple of pieces of nylon hardware that will ensure that the Iron Maiden does not wiggle around and pinch skin and cause damage that was not intended as a result of being locked inside her spiked cunt.  i was also able to purchase a can of Plasti-Dip to coat the first ring that entraps Mistress Christine's cock. Today i also spent time really working on removing burs along the rings and just smoothing out the whole of the outside surface of the Iron Maiden so that i know that Mistress Christine will injure the smooth skin of her hands when takes hold of my prison in some way to further torture me.  It is my intent to try one more time locking myself into the Iron Maiden before i coat the ring in blue Plasti-Dip, to see if i can be successfully locked into her cunt without doing any further damage to Mistress Christine's  ball sack.  The area that i originally posted the photo of is almost all healed and once that is totally healed i will lock up Mistress Christine's cock once again for at least one full day to see what the consequences are from my work on the chastity device.  If that goes well without inflicting any damage then it would be my preference to leave the Iron Maiden as is but if there are any signs of abrasion, then i will coat the first ring without hesitation.  Mistress Christine has made it perfectly clear to me that she does not want ANY non-intended mistreatment of Her cock and balls so that will be the deciding factor.  Has the Iron Maiden been sufficiently smoothed as to not cause any abrasions?  If so then, uncoated it is, otherwise get it coated to protect Mistress Christine's package!

In addition to getting the hardware, Plasti-Dip, and smoothing the surfaces of the Iron Maiden i also took time today to shave my entire genital area so that Mistress Christine's cock and balls are totally hairless as she has ordered me to do.  i will continue to carry out that task until i am locked away inside the Iron Maidens cunt, at which time my razor will no longer be able to trim away any hair re-growth.

i would guess at this point that i have about one or two days more until the open sore on Mistress Christine's ball sack is completely healed and the scab is gone.

Look for my next post tomorrow night.