Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another day of waiting

Not much to report.  Yesterday was a physically exhausting day clearing snow off of the roof of my house so that when the rains came last night it did not collapse the roof due to the snow absorbing all of the water and becoming too heavy.  i crashed by 9:30 PM and i had all i could do to stay up that late.

Today the urge to masturbate is strong but i will make it beyond my desires, but just the same i wish i were locked up again so that masturbation is not a possibility at all.  Hopefully my device should be processed within the next day or two now that the major part of the Chinese New Year (Tet) is past.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Not much new to report

As i am now in the waiting stage for my new chastity device to arrive, there really is not much to report. Perhaps that is inprt also because of the absolutely aweful track record this week with the commuter rail problems of the week.  Monday the Beverly-Salem draw bridge was stuck open and a few thousand commuters could not get to work at all.  Tuesday was a snow storm day, but i had to get to work.  That day took 2 1/2 hours in and 2 hours home,  Wednesday, snow day and i worked from home,  Thursday 2 hours in and 1:45 outbound.  And finally today, Friday, it was a 2:15 minute communte inbound and only 1:45 minutes?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Missing my chastity device

i must admit that i am missing the confines of the Iron Maiden and especially her spiked cunt.  One of the amazing things that one comes to realize through the use of a chastity device is how often one has an erection in the middle of the night!  i find that is true no matter what kind of Chastity device one is wearing.  However what i miss most about being locked inside the spiked cunt of the Iron Maiden was that when ever my cock became erect i was painfully awakened by her cunt's spikes, and as soon as i was awakened i realized that i was in fact dreaming about my Mistress Christine and most often i was aware that my thoughts at that moment were about me being tortured or whipped by Mistress Christine in some way that i was truly suffering for Mistress Christine's  pleasure.  Please don't get me wrong,  i am not saying that i don't have those same dreams.  i am quite confident that i do still have them.  The only problem is that since i normally only sleep about 4 1/2 to 5 hours per night, i normally sleep very soundly and thus unless i am awakened by the pain, my brain cruises right through the dreams!  So Mistress Christine that is one of the things that i most miss about being locked inside the spiked cunt of the Iron Maiden.

i decided to check on the current shipping status from the web site that i purchased my next Chastity device from, to see if i could learn anything about the current shipping status regarding my order.  i must admit that i was disappointed when i read the following statement:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A ho hum day

Well Yesterday was an aweful day from a weather and commuting perspective.  Another 10 inches of snow so we are now at 75 inches since January 1st.  Too much snow to move and the piles are exhaustingly high. 

My new chastity device has been ordered but most likely won't be here for more than a week since it is coming from China.  i do miss being locked up for Mistress Christine.  Not much else to report at this point.